Monday, February 15, 2010

Our Little Valentines

Its been a crazy, but FUN weekend as we celebrated Valentines Day!! Eden had a Valentines Party at school and came home with all kinds of goodies. We sent a Valentine message to Eden from Scott and I, one from Huntley, one from her Mimi and one from her friend Ms she thought she was pretty special. Huntley's message read, "Your the best sister ever. Thanks for rubbing my back at bedtime."

Meanwhile we had a party at Kiddie Kingdom Preschool where I work. Ashlyn (my niece) came up to celebrate with us and her and Huntley had a blast getting candy and of course eating it too. Those two would live on candy if they could!

Scott and I didn't do much this weekend, we will be celebrating later this week for our anniversary, but he did surprise me with a dozen chocolate covered strawberries...that was so yummy! He has only sent me roses once since I've known him, because when we were dating I told him I would rather have something to eat, wear, etc. Something that wouldn't die in a few days. Yeah, I know I'm weird!!

I'm so happy to have Eden, Huntley and Scott to LOVE this Valentines. They make my days just a little bit brighter!! Hope you all enjoyed the weekend with those you Love!!
- Cheryl


  1. Ok, that "eden bag" is seriously too cool! Who did that? I love it!

    So precious, and I would totally LOVE a box of choc covered strawberries. Way to go, Scott! :)

  2. Amy- They made those in her class to put her Valentines in...Too cute huh! When I walked into her class on Friday they were all on the desks and it seemed they were looking right at me...scared me! HA! Yeah Scotts pretty sweet! =)
