Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Field Trip to In-N-Out

Last Wednesday I was able to get off work and go with Eden on her field trip. This was the first one I was able to go on so we were both pretty excited! Her and her friend Aunalee rode in my car and it was so cute to see them in the back laughing and giggling the whole way there.

Me and my favorite little girl!

She was very interested in everything they had to say.

This was one of her favorite things that day, she got to slice a potato. She definitely needs to gain some muscles if she wants to work here! haha

Taking orders at the drive-thru.

This was by far the best part-Cheeseburger plain, well done fries and a Diet Coke. I'm sure her teacher had fun that afternoon due to the amounts of caffeine that was consumed in a short amount of time.

Her and her little buddy Aunalee!!
Looking forward to going on many more field trips with Eden and making memories that will last forever!

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