Isn't this the sweetest most adorable picture ever!? Huntley has been having this fetish with sleeping on the floor, which I don't know why anyone would want to sleep on a hard floor when they have a nice comfortable bed to sleep on, but he insists! Most of the time Eden wants to sleep on her bed, but the other night she wanted to sleep on the floor too. Huntley can't seem to be like a normal child and lay down without wanting me to lay on his pillow and rub his back. At first I didn't like the idea of rubbing his back because I could think of a lot of other ways I could be using my time, but then I realized he is little only once and he won't want me to do this forever. So I actually enjoy rubbing his back while we talk and give kisses and while he is laying there I pray for him and his sister that God would be with them and give them a heart after Him. While I was rubbing his back he reached over to where his sleeping sister had her hand and held it. Soon after, he fell asleep and I knew I had to take a picture of it. We have the sweetest kids and it really makes me happy to see them get along (most of the time). I'm trying my best to enjoy every moment spent with them.
Cheryl this is DARLING!! I LOVE it! And know exactly how you feel, I try to not think about all I could be doing when Jake asks me to "lay down with him". :)