Eden also got two certificates- One for being Most Observant and those that know Eden well you know that this is so true. The other was for Scripture Memory.

On Thursday night we headed back to the church for her big Graduation. We curled her hair that afternoon and she was super excited about it. She did AWESOME, but it also made me a little sad to think that she is not a baby anymore, she has completed her first real year of school. They say that after kindergarten the years fly by. Eden has already grown into a very sweet and lovable little girl and I know that God has great plans for her life. At night during our bedtime prayers she asks God to help all of her family to be saved. I think that she has a very sincere heart for God and I pray that He will continue work in her life. We're proud of you Eden Girl and we love you very much!!

Huntley waiting for "his Eden".

Averie came to help celebrate and she is one of Huntley's favorites. He doesn't want to put her down.

They all did so good singing their songs.

Eden signing the alphabet and saying a scripture for each letter. Poor Carlos, I think she hogged the mic...Sorry!

Eden and two of her friends leading "I Ain't going to let the Mountains Praise the Lord".

All smiles while receiving her diploma.

Eden and her friend Reagan.

We LOVE you Sis Carmen! Thanks for everything you did for Eden this year. She will be back I'm sure to see you and fill you in on everything. :)

Two of her favorite people Tina and Jatoria.

So happy to see her cousin Ashleigh there.

Eden with one of her friends Shane David. I think this is such a cute picture of them!
Thanks to everyone that came to share in this special time in Eden's life. She is making memories that she'll never forget. Also thanks to everyone that sent her a card or gift that wasn't able to make it, I know you were with us in heart.
Much Love